"Trusting 'in the Lord and a Good Lawyer'". Newsweek, December 08, 1986.
Oliver North, Bob Hamer (2015). “Counterfeit Lies”, p.126, Simon and Schuster
"True Heroes Place Themselves at Risk for Benefit of Others Oliver North" by Oliver North, www.foxnews.com. February 16, 2007.
Oliver North (2013). “Under Fire: An American Story”, p.24, Post Hill Press
"The Heroes of 2011" by Oliver North, www.foxnews.com. November 11, 2011.
"Iran-contra hearings: ;I came here to tell you the truth’; The Colonel states his case: country and orders above all". www.nytimes.com. 1987.
"Common Sense:The U.N. Fails Freedom — Again" by Oliver North, www.foxnews.com. August 10, 2006.
Oliver North, United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition (1987). “Taking the stand: the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Oliver L. North”, Pocket
"North Draws Fire for Comments on Clinton Military Policy" by Richard L. Berke, www.nytimes.com. October 11, 1994.