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"This book contains definitions and examples of more than sixty traditional rhetorical devices, all of which can still be useful today to improve the effectiveness, clarity, and enjoyment of your writing."

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Hispanic Serving Institution

Material Type: Reference Material Date Added to MERLOT: февраля 26, 2009 Date Modified in MERLOT: августа 29, 2022 Author: Robert A. Harris, w w w . v i r t u a l s a l t . c o m Submitter: Barbra Bied Sperling

Primary Audience: High School, College General Ed, College Lower Division, College Upper Division Technical Format: Website Mobile Compatibility: Not specified at this time Language: English Cost Involved: No Source Code Available: No Accessibility Information Available: No Creative Commons: Unknown


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Bryan Kopp (Administrator)
14 years ago

This free online handbook is a useful reference source for students who are studying style as it relates to speaking or writing. The information about rhetorical devices is as good as can be found in any reference guide covering the subject. Entries for specific terms could perhaps be improved with pronunciation tips because many students struggle with Greek. Richard Harris, the author, has also written _Writing with Clarity and Style: A Guide to Rhetorical Devices for Contemporary Writers_. The book provides more examples and includes exercises that may be used in the classroom.

The site is loaded with advertisements and is not designed for easy browsing or searching. However, a navigation table is provided, listing all the technical names of rhetorical devices.

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